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Fiery Magic Page 14
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Page 14
Hundreds of stalactites covered the ceiling, each a sharpened point waiting to slice into them if it fell. Ahead about thirty feet, a large dragon was carved into the stone wall.
“I think this is it!” Candace went to step onto the first stone.
“Wait!” Haytham grabbed her. “Let me put a barrier between us and those stone spears.”
Candace paused. Excitement ran through her like a tingling of lightening. Haytham worked his Air magic and then motioned her forward. She stared at the carving, taking in the intricacies. The curve of the neck, the flexing of the wings, the claws on the feet, each scale and finally the glittering eyes in the dragon’s face.
“Does the map say what to do?” Haytham asked.
Candace shook her head. This must be a door, but how to open it? “Do you see a keyhole like the other door?” she asked.
Haytham squeezed up next to her and ran his hands over the edges. Candace put her hands on the carving. She felt a pulse and then another. It felt almost like a heartbeat.
“Wait. I think I know how.” Candace placed her hand over the breast where the heart of the dragon would be.
A sliver of stone cut into her palm. She winced, but kept still. A red glow began from under her palm and traveled in all directions, filling the carving until it glowed completely. The red light got brighter, turning to yellow and then white so bright, Candace squinted. She almost missed the flash, because she had closed her eyes. Haytham’s yell of warning made her open her eyes to see the door slide to the right until it disappeared.
A blast of heated air rocked her backwards. Candace lifted her hands to protect her eyes and coughed. The smell of rotten eggs and burning embers filled the air. Haytham quickly brought his shield down in front of them. She squinted trying to see through the heat and gasses into the chamber.
Vibrations pounded through them. Boom, boom-boom, the mountain had a heartbeat. A ledge of stone circled the room, and several feet down, a river of glowing magma bubbled and hissed. In the middle on a circle of stone, a skeleton of a huge dragon rested, the bones shiny white. It stood as if the beast roared, his neck curved up and wings out. Where the heart of the dragon would be, a huge ruby gem floated within the chest cavity. A narrow stone bridge spanned the distance from the door to the dragon.
Candace leaned in and looked toward the roof of the chamber, but only smoke and gasses filled the space. Since the heated air continued to rise, she assumed the chamber was actually open to the sky. Derog would hate to know how easily he could have gotten the Dragon Heart stone if he had only known which tunnel to fly down.
“I can put the shield around us so we can survive the heat,” Haytham said. “I’m a little worried about both of us on the bridge. I’m not sure it will hold our combined weight. I might be able to float us over with my Air Magic. What do you think?”
“The map says only one of dragon kind may enter the chamber. I think you should wait here. You could set off another trap.”
“I know you don’t like it, but I think Omeo woke up because we entered the mountain. If you come with me, it might cause the whole mountain to blow.”
Haytham frowned. His white blond hair dark with sweat stuck to his head.
“I hate to admit it, but I’m afraid you might be right.” Haytham shook his head. “The gem is floating, so magic is definitely involved. The door opened because of your blood. Here, let me heal that gash on your hand.” He took her hand and muttered a spell over the wound.
Candace watched as it slowly closed and turned first red, then pink, and finally to her normal skin color. “I can’t float you across the bridge without physically touching you, so you’ll have to walk. When you get to the skeleton, you’ll have to reach through the shield to grasp the gem. I wish we had gloves or something to protect your hand.” He kissed her palm. She slowly pulled her hand from his. Even with all the heat in the cavern, she could still feel her cheeks redden.
“I’ll be okay.”
Haytham searched her face and then nodded. He began his spell, moving his hands. He pulled the clean air available to surround her in a bubble. “Be careful.”
Candace nodded and stepped into the chamber. The bridge rocked and she had to catch her balance. Haytham gasped and clung to the doorframe. The river of magma around the room became more and more agitated with each step she took. Her focus narrowed until all she saw was the red stone floating in front of her. It glittered and pulsed with light from the molten rock. Finally, she stepped off the bridge and onto the circle of stone.
The dragon’s huge black claws were the size of her thighs. She stepped between his legs and moved up to his chest. In this position, the gem floated above her head. She could reach it if she stood on her toes. The bubble of air protected her from touching the bones that looked to have petrified into stone. She leaned up and then pushed her hand through the shield and grasped the gem.
She screamed. Haytham called out. Heat engulfed her hand and arm. She pulled her blackened arm to her chest. The stone felt fused to her hand. The magma river exploded in a fountain of fire. The dragon skeleton disintegrated. Gas and smoke filled the air. Candace blinked tears from her eyes and turned to see Haytham collapse to the floor beneath a curtain of white. The bubble of air dissolved. Her skin caught on fire. This was the end.
Haytham saw Candace reach for the gem. He braced himself somehow knowing the gem wouldn’t be taken easily. Candace screamed.
“Candace!” Why did he let her go inside alone?
Haytham coughed, breathing in gas. He tried to put a shield over his mouth. The heat scorched as it invaded his lungs. He went to his knees and lost sight of Candace behind a curtain of white and red as the magma exploded into the air.
His eyesight dimmed. “I love you,” he whispered, his lips already blistered and bleeding.
A huge black claw came toward his face. He sighed.
Candace felt her flesh melt. Then suddenly scales appeared underneath. Her bones snapped and reformed. She grew bigger and taller. Magic burst through her coming from within. The heat no longer seemed to affect her. She looked to her arm and hand expecting to see a blackened mess and instead saw big black claws on a dragon paw.
The curtain of mist parted and she saw Haytham lying on his side on the stone ledge, his face gray. She reached for him, lifting him in her claws, and then bunched her legs and sprang into the air. She let instinct take over and felt her wings unfurl and reach for the wind. The hot gasses tickled her nose and she laughed, which came out as a deep throated booming. A wilder male animalistic presence pushed forward taking charge. Candace struggled, trying to stay in control, but the other personality pushed her back so she could only observe.
Siarl lived! He flew higher and higher into the morning light, until the cool air caressed his skin and carried away any smell of Omeo. He hovered, sending magic healing energy into Haytham’s lungs. He heard him cough and then swear. His new mate would survive.
He smiled, his lips pulling back from long sharp teeth. He was dragon. He trumpeted his presence for all to hear. He dove for the ground, skimming the edge of the mountain to feel the air on his face. When he caught sight of Derog’s guards, he altered his trajectory and sprayed the camp with fire breathed from his mouth. They screamed like babies and ran around like ants. It was glorious. He was glorious.
He flapped his wings, gaining height and then rolled, loving the feeling of flight. A small squeak from his hand reminded him of his passenger, but he hated to land. He could fly up here forever. It was wonderful.
He spied a dark shape beneath him. A smaller brown dragon flew by, spraying him with fire. He frowned as the flame licked at his scales and burned. Who was this upstart? How dare he try to wound him? He was the First Dragon, ruler of all he saw.
A small voice in his mind tried to get his attention saying no, she was Candace. Well, Candace would have to wait. The enemy came at him again. He bank
ed away from the brown nuisance and sprayed him with fire as he went.
The brown dragon screamed in rage and continued to follow. Siarl rose higher and higher putting distance between them. Then turned and dove at the idiot. Instead of wasting his fire on the male, he went for his neck. He grabbed it in his teeth and then shook his head, gulping down the warm wash of blood that filled his mouth. Then he dropped the creature and watched in satisfaction as he first bounced and then landed, his lifeblood leaking away. Siarl roared in triumph while that small voice directed his notice to the nausea in his gut.
Siarl dove again determined to finish the enemy and sprayed him with fire, first one pass and then another. He frowned when the human in his hand pushed against his claws. The human was his, his mate, and his treasure.
The brown dragon on the ground changed forms to that of a man. That small voice in his head spoke again. He, too, could become a human, though why he should do so escaped him. Siarl flew up and hovered, thinking this through. His mate was human. He would need to become a human to procreate. That small voice inside encouraged him to shift into her form. It was time to mate. Her Destined One waited to attend her.
Siarl glanced down at the hand that held his mate captive and safe within. He looked down at his chest and saw a red gleaming gemstone that beat in rhythm with his heart. A memory surfaced. Pain, agony, and death, but then a rebirth and life again. Siarl, the First Dragon could never really die. Not as long as his heart survived.
All of Siarl’s memories flooded into him: his love for his people, his mate who was lost. Now there was another mate. The man in his hand, a precious gift. Perhaps the small voice named Candace was right. She should change into her human form.
The huge gold and red dragon floated carefully to earth and opened his hand. The man inside stood and stepped away from him. Siarl leaned down to sniff at him and caught hints of magic in his scent. Candace’s mate was a wizard. Siarl had known many wizards in his former life, some good and some bad. His heart said Haytham was a good one. Candace admired this man, loved him even, though a mating had not been consummated.
Siarl released his hold on this form and called on his magic. He took the picture of the red haired human that was Candace from their mind. They began to shrink. Their scales sunk under human skin, their wings folded inwards until they disappeared.
She stood. The sand uncomfortable beneath her two feet. She held out her hands in front of her, seeing long slim fingers with small white nails. She looked down at her chest and noticed pert breasts and a small ruby stone sitting between them. The Dragon’s Heart.
“Great Goddess! Candace, you shifted into a dragon.” At the sound of her name, she looked up. Haytham approached warily.
The presence of the First Dragon was still with her, but somehow changing into her human form allowed Candace to take control of her body, or their body, now. She stared at Haytham, begging him with her gaze to hold her. A tear fell from her eye and then another until her body shook with sobs. She covered her face with her hands.
“Dammit! Come here, baby.” Strong arms surrounded her and pulled her against a hard chest. “It’s okay. We’re going to be okay. I’m so glad we’re alive. It’s kind of a shock. I thought we were done for. Can you forgive me for acting like an idiot?” Haytham pushed her hair back from her face and kissed her temple. “God, we’re a mess, covered in dirt and grime. We need to get some clothes for you before you get sunburned. Or maybe dragons don’t get sunburned, but you should probably not be naked. Anyway, I think there’s one of your servant outfits in the pack. I’m kind of rambling aren’t I?”
Candace sniffled, the need to giggle pushing forward. Haytham was rattled too, but he stuck by her. That’s all that mattered right now. She hiccupped.
“Come on, sweetheart. Stop crying. I thought I lost you and now... Well, now, you’re a dragon and you saved my life. Whatever happens next, we’re in this together.”
She nodded and wiped at her eyes. As long as they stayed together, it would be okay. Or at least, she hoped it would. “What do we do now?”
“Well, finding water sounds good. There is only a tiny amount left in the last water skin. Does your dragon nose smell water anywhere nearby?”
Candace wrinkled her nose. Now that Haytham mentioned it, they both smelled in need of a bath. She stepped a few paces away and took deep breaths turning in a circle as she did so. The scents in the air showed her the still alive guards in a southwest direction. Derog’s body lay in an easterly direction. North she smelled snow and cold. South and southeast she smelled green growing things, and where green things grew, there was water.
“That way,” Candace pointed.
“Good.” Hay handed over her last clean servant’s outfit. She slipped it on.
“That’s the way back to Glaw Forest. We need to go there to get to the portal.” Hay lifted the pack back onto his shoulders.
“What about the king and Mother? Shouldn’t we go back to the city?”
“If we do, they may never let us leave. I don’t know about you, but I want to go home.”
“Home…” Where was home for a dragon who was also a fire witch?
“Come on, honey. Drink the last of the water and then if you’re feeling better, maybe you could fly us to Glaw Forest.”
Did she dare let the First Dragon out again? Siarl was a very strong personality. She took the water skin and poured some into her mouth. Haytham looked at her worriedly and she didn’t blame him. Being a dragon let a whole new side of her out, and she wasn’t sure it was a good side.
Chapter Thirteen
Haytham hated the idea of riding between the dragon’s huge claws, but trying to stay on her back without some kind of restraint was impossible. He’d have to deal. He ran his hand through his hair, trying to finger comb the mess. At least it was dry now if still grimy.
They stood in what was left of Derog’s camp. His guards ran away in a hurry, leaving whatever wasn’t burned up scattered around the desolate landscape.
“I found boots you can wear,” Haytham said, rummaging around in a box. He held them up for Candace to peruse. “They’ll be too big. But they’ll protect your feet when we get into the forest.”
Candace stood, holding packages of trail rations she’d found in the box she went through. “I found food. At least we won’t starve. I’m kind of hungry now.” She opened one of the packs and began munching on the dried suchi fruit.
“We should probably get going. I’m not sure how long it will take Kesari to get word to Zaltana of what happened here. You know they’re going to come after us.”
“At least we know Kesari is okay. I hope Andras and Zahrah are well. I’m going to miss them.” Candace filled their bag with the rations and then walked over to stand next to Haytham.
He knew she was nervous about shifting back into the dragon. The First Dragon’s consciousness still resided in the stone now embedded in Candace’s chest. Would the old dragon agree to let them leave?
“I know you’re worried, sweetheart, but the only way to get to Glaw without getting caught is flying. Even if we had the rogne the guards took, it would take days to get there. The king would fly down and pluck us up in no time.” He reached for her hand and pulled her into his arms. She trembled and he squeezed her tightly.
“What if Siarl takes over? What if I can’t get back in control?”
Haytham rubbed her back, trying to offer comfort. He didn’t know what to think. The only thing he knew was their time to escape ran short. “You’re female. He’ll have to let you out to mate. You said he knew I was your mate and wanted to protect me.”
“I’m afraid.”
Haytham lifted her chin and kissed her gently. “I know you are. I just don’t see another way.”
“What if the king comes and I have to fight him? The First Dragon is very territorial. He considers all of Hreghen to be his. He could kill Enfys. Mother would never forgive me for killing her mate.”
“I think we ne
ed to not worry about what ifs and face things as they come. We need to get back to Earth. We have another piece to undo the Marwolaeth spell. The witch kind and their survival are our first priority.”
“I understand that we need to return to Earth, but I don’t want to leave Hreghen in a terrible state either.”
“If the king does show up, I’ll use the flute and try to put him to sleep, or at least keep him calm. We have resources. We aren’t totally powerless.”
Candace nodded. “Okay…”
“Candy, whatever happens, know that I love you. I have faith in you. We can do this, together.”
“You love me?”
“Of course, silly. You’re my Destined One.”
Candace didn’t look convinced, but she reached to remove her clothes. She handed first the shirt and then the pants over. Haytham folded them neatly and put them in the pack before slipping it onto his back.
“Ready?” he asked.
“You better stand back. Move over there behind those rocks.” Candace pointed.
Haytham grabbed her and kissed her hard. She was so brave. He was proud to have her as his mate.
“What was that for?” she asked.
“For luck. I love you.” Haytham jogged to the pile of stones and then turned to watch Candace shift.
She closed her eyes and placed her hands over the Dragon Heart stone. The air around her began to shimmer. Sparks of light appeared around her form and began to circle, more and more, until he could no longer see her. Then the light grew, spreading higher and outward, until suddenly it all disappeared and a huge reddish gold dragon stood in her place.
“Candace?” Haytham asked, stepping forward.
“She is here.” A deep voice boomed from the dragon’s mouth.
“You are Siarl, the First Dragon. You need to let Candace out.”
“We are in communication, wizard. I understand your concern for her, as you are our mate. So, I will not take offense. The female is very brave and pure of heart. Only one pure could take the gem. It will take some adjustment. I value Candace as much as you. Wait.”