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Fiery Magic Page 10

  “You may rise,” the king said, obligingly. “You petitioned Cressida for her daughter’s hand?” he asked.

  “I did, Your Majesty, even though I am her daughter’s Destined One, my pleas landed on deaf ears.”

  “As King, I have the pleasure of granting your request. My servants will take you now and prepare you for the ceremony, which will be held in an hour. A good soaking is in order.” The king wrinkled his nose.

  “Sire, may I greet my Destined One?” Haytham asked.

  “You may, but a dragon doesn’t give anything away freely. You and your Destined One will owe me a favor I will collect at a later date.”

  Candace watched the king walk away as his servants rushed forward. Haytham stepped close and took her hand. Andras stood near the edge of the platform, a smile on his face.

  “When your mother locked me in the dungeon, I feared I’d never see you again.” Haytham kissed her hand. “It’s good to see you looking so well.” He glanced down at the silk scarves covering Candace’s body. She blushed. Her nipples hardened.

  Hay winked, as Andras motioned at him. “See you in an hour, sweetheart.”

  Andras led Haytham away. Zahrah ran up, a look of longing on her face as she watched the men leave. She wrung her hands.

  “What is to become of my poor mistress? She should never have run from her Destined One.”

  “What?” Candace’s head snapped back. “My mother has a Destined One?”

  “The king. Didn’t you know?”

  “No, I didn’t know.”

  “We can’t talk here,” Zahrah said. “Come to your mother’s chambers. I must prepare you for the Destined One ceremony. The king himself will preside over the ritual.”

  Candace followed meekly after her mother’s servant. Was it the wine still in her system that made her feel numb or was she totally overwhelmed?

  Chapter Eight

  Candace looked in the mirror as Zahrah buttoned the back of the lovely cream silk dress she’d chosen to wear to the Destined One Ceremony. She smiled. Haytham should like the off the shoulder gown.

  “Your turn,” Candace said. She’d insisted that Zahrah also bath and change into something more appropriate than her servant uniform. Candace picked out a lovely mint green silk dress her mother had buried in the closet. Zahrah obediently gave her back to Candace so she could be buttoned into the dress.

  “Why hasn’t your mother called for me? I should be attending her as she prepares for her uniting with the king.”

  “I’m sure she’ll call when she’s ready. I expect she and Enfys have some things to work out.”

  A loud gong rang, reverberating through the many tunnels in the caldera.

  “What is that?” Candace asked.

  “A summons. Quick, grab your slippers. We must hurry to the courtyard.”

  “Why? What’s going on?” Candace grabbed her shoes and ran after Zahrah.

  Once in the main thoroughfare, more and more people joined them as they made their way to the ground floor. In the courtyard, Zahrah grabbed her hand and pulled her along the edge of the crowd until they stood adjacent to the stable.

  “Look.” Zahrah pointed up.

  At the top of the Caldera, dragons perched, in more colors than she imagined, their eyes swirling. Green, blue, brown and red, just a few, Candace had never seen or even dreamed of a more awesome sight. Several roared as a huge black dragon and a smaller gold dragon flew up to join them.

  “Is that Mother?” Candace asked.

  “Yes,” Zahrah said, excitedly. “And the king.”

  Cressida’s gold dragon jumped into the air, her wings pumping hard, she flew up and away as straight as an arrow. The king’s dragon bugled a challenge and then leapt after the smaller gold dragon. Up, up they flew until it was hard to see them. Zahrah squeezed Candace’s hand.

  “Where did they go? What are they doing?” Candace asked.

  “The mating flight, the oldest and most dangerous of dragon mating practices. This is how dragons mated before they learned to shift into humans.”

  A gasp from the crowd had Candace returning to her skyward vigil. A small black dot appeared to be falling from the sky. The dot roared as it continued to fall.

  When Candace could finally make out what the dot was, her mouth fell open. The two dragons, her mother and the king, wrapped around each other, their necks intertwined, and their claws gripping each other. The sun sparkled off their black and gold scales. The king’s wings surrounded the smaller gold dragon as he rocked into her.

  Candace wanted to close her eyes. That was her mother copulating in front of everyone, but she couldn’t force her eyes shut as the danger in the situation hit her. They fell at a tremendous rate. Could they stop in time, or would the fall kill them?

  The people in the middle of the courtyard began to instinctively move out of the center and press against the edges. The crowd pushed Candace and Zahrah against the wall of the stable. Candace could now make out the king’s horns and the dragons’ swirling eyes. Her heart sank. They weren’t going to make it. Tears sprang to her eyes. She wrung her hands.

  With a roar, the black dragon pushed away the gold dragon. They both extended their wings. A huge rush of air filled the caldera. Candace closed her eyes and turned her head away as dust and dirt flew up around them. The rogne hissed inside the stable walls.

  When she blinked her eyes open, the two dragons had landed and stood close to each other. The gold dragon leaned in as the black dragon nuzzled her neck. All of the dragons on the ledge trumpeted their approval. The noise reverberated around the caldera. Candace covered her ears with her hands.

  Four dragons flew down from the ledge, red, blue, tan, and dark brown. They surrounded the couple. Several onlookers gasped. Two servants ran forward. The crowd moved and Candace couldn’t see what happened. She tried to duck down and look between people, but couldn’t get a clear view.

  “The populace has witnessed. The dragons have approved. I, Enfys, king of this realm have taken a mate. All will now bow to Cressida, my queen.” The king’s voice rang with authority. Candace bowed with the others. The dragons on the ledge bellowed again. She glanced up wondering what Derog thought of this, but didn’t see his muddy brown dragon amongst the others.

  “Cressida is my mate, my queen, and also my Destined One. Those who also know of their Destined Ones come forward,” the king called.

  “Ah, excuse me, I need to answer that summons.” Candace patted the two men who now stood in front of her.

  She didn’t make much progress, until Zahrah once more took her hand and helped move the crowd out of the way. Her friend led her into the circle where her mother now stood wearing a long gold dress. The other dragons also shifted and wore silks of bright colors with gold and jewel decorations.

  Zahrah stood slightly behind her mistress. Andras took his place behind the king. For a moment, Candace felt bereft. Then a warm hand slipped into hers and she turned to find Haytham. He smiled warmly.

  His hair still wet from his bath curled on his shoulders, and he now wore a blue silk tunic and trousers. Soft blue suede boots graced his feet. He took her left hand and slipped a ring onto her third finger. A gold gryphon holding a red gem gleamed up at her.

  “This belonged to my mother. I hope you like it,” Haytham whispered.

  Candace smiled, a rush of excitement washing over her. Haytham was her Destined One, chosen by the universe to compliment her in every way, especially magically.

  “Thank you,” she mouthed.

  As the king began the ceremony, Candace noticed Derog enter the courtyard. The man frowned. His hair was also wet, like he’d gotten out of the shower, or here in Hreghen, the hot springs below the palace.

  The four dragons surrounding the couples took up positions in the four directions and called in the four elements, air, fire, water, and earth. Candace forgot about Derog and concentrated on the ritual.

  “If you will take your beloved’s hand,” Enfys said,
reaching for Cressida.

  Haytham took Candace’s hand. Was he her beloved? No, but the possibility was there. Most Destined Ones developed a bond that grew into a fierce love.

  The king droned on about how the dragons decided to abide by the Destined Ones mandate and how that meant that a bonded couple couldn’t be kept apart. Finally, he got to the part where the Destined Ones would pledge to remain together forever. From the research Candace had done, she realized the vows were actually a spell. When said together by the couple, it would bind their magic.

  Haytham gazed into her eyes, his hands holding hers as they repeated their oath.

  “…for better or worse, in sunshine or in shadows, in this lifetime and the next, I give you all my tomorrows.”

  A cyclone of air surrounded Candace, while fire surrounded Haytham. Dragons trumpeted when circles of fire surrounded both the king and queen. Then the populace gasped as green shoots sprung from beneath Andras’s feet and a circle of fire surrounded Zahrah. Nobody had noticed that they, too, stood hand in hand and repeated the oath of binding.

  Candace felt her body tingle as if Haytham’s magic sank into her actual cells. Her magic tattoo filled with color. The dragon tattoo on her wrist was now a beautiful shade of red gold. She glanced at Haytham’s gryphon tattoo to find it filled with gold and silver.

  “As it is commanded, so mote it be!” the king declared.

  “What’s this? What’s this? You bonded as Destined Ones? It is forbidden!” Derog rushed through the crowd and up to the group. “You are from two different houses.” He pointed at Andras and Zahrah. “Guards take these two to the dungeons to await execution.” Derog shouted gleefully. He almost danced with joy.

  Andras pulled Zahrah close as if to protect her. Candace gasped. What could she do? She opened her mouth to protest when Enfys spoke, his clear tone easily heard over the murmurs in the crowd.

  “Guards, belay that order.”

  “But, Your Majesty, the law…” Derog began.

  “I have no wish to break the law, Derog, least you order me sent to the dungeon.” Several of the guards chuckled and moved back to the edge of the platform. “I think you have forgotten something. Lady Cressida is my mate and my Destined One. Her household is now merged with mine, so Zahrah and Andras are allowed to bond if they so wish.”

  Derog stuttered and shot daggers with his gaze at Andras and Zahrah. Finally, realizing he was the center of attention, he bowed.

  “My mistake, Majesty. However…”

  “I’m sorry if you missed seeing the mating flight. I realize you just returned from visiting your holdings.” Enfys stared at Derog daring him to protest again. Candace looked at her mother, who smiled tenderly at the king.

  “Congratulations, Your Majesty. If you will excuse me.” Derog bowed again.

  Enfys nodded. Derog turned and marched out of the courtyard. Enfys motioned with his head and a cloaked figure followed his nephew.

  Andras whooped and kissed Zahrah. The crowd cheered. Candace felt her heart warm and looked at the man who held her hands. Haytham smiled down at her.

  “I am blessed that the magic chose you as my mate,” he said for her ears only. “I will try to make you happy, Candace.”

  She nodded, her face growing warm.


  Candace took Haytham’s hand and led him through the tunnels that crisscrossed the caldera. She stopped at a door with a huge gold dragon painted on it. Her mother’s apartment?

  “I never thought you’d come for me.” Candace looked up at him, a blush coloring her cheeks. She opened the door and they both stepped inside.

  “You’re my Destined One. Of course, I came after you. But we must return to Earth as soon as possible. I’m a Guardian and need to perform my duty to our people.”

  “Yeah, well, I think we’re stuck here. At least for now. My room is down here.” She hurried along the hall. “I have to feed my familiar.”

  She opened a door and swept inside. Haytham stood in the doorway, taking in the room with the bed in the center and the bird sitting on the perch next to it, sleeping.

  “Is that?” he asked. The bird lifted his head and stared at Haytham, almost as if taking his measure.

  “A phoenix, yes. He came to me in Glaw Forest.” The bird rubbed his head against her cheek. “This is Engyl.”

  Haytham stepped into the room and bowed to the bird. “Greetings, Engyl, familiar of Candace.”

  “Greetings, Destined One of my witch guardian” echoed in Haytham’s head.

  “Witch Guardian? I’m the Guardian, not Candace. The magic chose me.” Haytham started to reach for his sleeve to show the bird the sword that overlaid his magic house tattoo, then stopped. He didn’t have to prove himself to the bird.

  The phoenix didn’t deign to answer. Haytham watched as Candace fed and caressed the feathers of the creature, whispering to the bird affectionately.

  A hint of jealousy crept into his mind. Candace should be caressing him, her Destined One. She should be turning those tender looks his way. Haytham sighed. Logically, he knew it was too soon to expect such a thing. Candace didn’t know him. She was inexperienced and should be handled with care, not that he’d had many dalliances himself. He’d never dared to enrage his uncle. But he was her Destined One, which should stand for something.

  Candace added water to the bird’s bowl and smiled. She looked at Haytham as she put the bird on his perch, leaving the cage door open.

  “I guess the next step in our bonding is to sleep together.”

  “Candace… We don’t have to, not that I don’t want to, you understand, but I should woo you. You’re young…” Haytham stopped when he saw the look of anger on Candace’s face.

  “I’m not that young!” Candace put her hands on her hips. “I am sick and tired of everyone treating me like I don’t have a mind of my own.” She stepped forward and poked him in the chest. “You are my Destined One! Our magic combined. I saw it. I felt it. Didn’t you?” She bit her bottom lip.

  Haytham yanked her into his arms and kissed her. Great Goddess, Candace was magnificent. She hesitantly opened to his invading tongue, and a moment later, she moaned into his mouth. Her hands holding his face. Haytham smiled against her lips. His Destined One full of fire. He liked that about her. He pulled back, noting her plump lips and the red in her cheeks. Her eyes fluttered open and she gazed up at him.

  “I felt it.” Haytham ran his hands up and down her back. As close as he held her, she must feel his erection pressing against her. “I wanted to give you more time. Let you know me better.”

  “You will, I mean we will, but you need to take my virginity.” Candace ran her hand down his chest, her voice breathy. “The dragons have to know I belong to you. Trust me. You won’t like how they sniff me and touch me if you don’t. I smell like candy to them.”

  “Candy? I don’t understand.” Haytham could hardly think with her caressing him, and when her hand dipped lower, he thought he might lose all control.

  “Virgins. There’s a reason dragons like virgins.” Candace nuzzled his neck and found the ties holding his shirt closed. She undid the top two before kissing at his chest. “Please, Haytham, I need you to do this.”

  She begged so prettily, and her hands found his erection beneath the breaches he wore. Her touch inflamed his desire. All his good intentions went out the window. He wanted her. She was his Destined One, the one thing that would be his and only his.

  “Candace…” He tried to warn her.

  “Shh, I know.” Her fingers slipped into his pants before her hand gripped him. “Come to bed with me.”

  Haytham moaned. A part of him warned that this wasn’t a good idea. The voice quickly drowned out by the feelings her touch produced. She stepped back toward the bed and he followed. How could he not?

  They fell onto the bed, both of them struggling with the other’s clothes. Haytham pulled his shirt off and then rolled Candace over to undo the buttons running down her back. She gig
gled. With each button he kissed his way down her spine. When he finished, he pushed the fabric down. She looked at him over her shoulder, her eyes sparkling. Then she rolled over and let the dress fall to her waist.

  Haytham sucked in a breath. The sight of her short-circuited his brain. He reached tentatively for her perfect breast. Her pink nipple puckering as he brushed against it. Candace hummed. Haytham looked at her face, watching the rapture in her eyes as he twisted and teased the little nubbin.

  “Haytham, suck on it. Please, I need to feel your mouth on me…” He stared at her.

  “Don’t look so surprised. Being a virgin doesn’t mean I don’t know what I want. I read.”

  He chuckled and gently pushed her against the pillow. Her red hair spilled across the white surface, and he lowered his face to her breast. He licked and then blew lightly. Fascinated at how her body responded, Hay teased her. She moaned. Her legs rubbed together. She grabbed his head, her fingers wrapping through his hair and pulled him onto her chest.

  Haytham chuckled again while giving her what she demanded. He sucked the nipple into his mouth drawing hard.

  “Oh,” Candace cried out. “More, give me more.”

  Hay obliged, sucking and then licking her. He nipped at the soft globe, pleased when that seemed to ignite Candace even more. A living flame, she writhed and clutched at him. He grew harder and harder, her desire feeding his.


  Candace was on fire. Every touch, every kiss, sent her higher and higher. She ached in her middle. A space needing to be filled. Moisture leaked from between her thighs. She couldn’t take anymore.

  She tugged at Haytham’s pants and heard a tinkling noise as something fell off the bed. But that didn’t stop her. She needed him.

  “Please, Hay… Take me. I can’t take much more.”

  Haytham caressed her cheek. Candace saw a shadow move and then a wooden pole hit Haytham on the back of the head. He fell across her, limp. She reached for his head and blood coated her hands. Candace screamed!